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Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails

Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access

FHWA's "Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access" is a two-part report on pedestrian accessibility, (Beneficial Designs Inc. 1999 and 2001).

Accessibility guidelines and practices, as well as construction and maintenance techniques, have evolved since these reports were published. More current information is available in other reports and guidance. For example, see the U.S. Access Board's public rights-of-way Web site www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/streets-sidewalks/public-rights-of-way, which includes guidance documents and other resources. Documents available at the U.S. Access Board's Outdoor Developed Areas Web site http://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/recreation-facilities/outdoor-developed-areas include reports, such as the "Special Report: Accessible Public Rights of Way Planning and Designing for Alterations" and guidelines about outdoor developed areas. The U.S. Access Board also is considering "Shared Use Path Accessibility Guidelines" http://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/streets-sidewalks/shared-use-paths/about-this-rulemaking, for trails that are part of a transportation network. FHWA has additional accessibility information on its Accessibility Resource Library Web site at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/accessibility/.


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