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Note: This document or portion of document references a state or local code that is stricter than the 2010 ADA Standards requires.

11B-228.2 Mail boxes.

Where mail boxes are provided in an interior location, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type shall comply with Section 11B-309. In residential facilities, where mail boxes are provided for each residential dwelling unit, mail boxes complying with Section 11B-309 shall be provided for each residential dwelling unit required to provide mobility features complying with Sections 11B-809.2 through 11B-809.4 and adaptable features complying with Chapter 11A, Division IV.  

[2010 ADAS] 228.2 Mail Boxes.  Where mail boxes are provided in an interior location, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type shall comply with 309. In residential facilities, where mail boxes are provided for each residential dwelling unit, mail boxes complying with 309 shall be provided for each residential dwelling unit required to provide mobility features complying with 809.2 through 809.4.


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