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EVSE Garage Overhead Charger with Integrated Payment Station Addressing EV Charging for Persons with Disabilities (01:01)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GeycIPTDyU

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Published on Nov 8, 2012

EVSE LLC's Garage Overhead Charger provides safe and affordable electric vehicle charging for commercial parking garages, multi‐dwelling units and private garages. The weather‐proof unit is installed on the ceiling, safely keeping the cable and connector away from water, salt and automobiles. The retractable cable also protects pedestrians from tripping hazards, and protects the unit from vandals.

Our Garage Overhead Charger has been specifically designed to ensure access for people with disabilities, by removing obstacles (cables) from the pathway.

In this installation we have integrated a payment station with multiple EV chargers in a public garage location. EVSE's flexible payment and secure access solutions adapt to what's in place. It's your property, and if you own the chargers, any revenue should go directly to your account and not a charging station operator.

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