FAQ: How do I feature myself or my company on the "Find An Accessibility Specialist" page?
To feature your services on the Find an Accessibility Specialist page, you must have a Accessibility Specialist level subscription. If you are not currently a subscriber, sign up here! If you are currently a Premium user, here are the steps to upgrading your subscription.
To feature your services:
1. Once you are a Corada subscriber at the Accessibility Specialist level, click on the “Find an Accessibility Specialist” button on the top right corner of the site.
2. At the top of this page, click the link, Just update your profile!
3. On your profile page, you may edit your Bio, upload your Resume, and edit your Professional Details; Professional Details is the portion that will be displayed on the “Find an Accessibility Specialist” page.
4. When prompted “Feature me or my business in “Find an Accessibility Specialist’”, select "Yes."
5. Fill in your details in this form, and click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
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