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Comparison: 2010 and 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design - Scoping Requirements

This document on scoping requirements and its companion document on technical requirements were created as references to understand the differences between the 1991 and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The documents only include sections of the Standards that are new or different.

These documents are intended as informal guidance; they have not been reviewed by any federal agencies.

219 Assistive Listening Systems

1991 Standards for Accessible Design

2010 Standards for Accessible Design

What’s New/Different

4.1.3(19)(b) This paragraph applies to assembly areas where audible communications are integral to the use of the space (e.g., concert and lecture halls, playhouses and movie theaters, meeting rooms, etc.). Such assembly areas, if (1) they accommodate at least 50 persons, or if they have audio- amplification systems, and (2) they have fixed seating, shall have a permanently installed assistive listening system complying with 4.33. For other assembly areas, a permanently installed assistive listening system, or an adequate number of electrical outlets or other supplementary wiring necessary to support a portable assistive listening system shall be provided. The minimum number of receivers to be provided shall be equal to 4 percent of the total number of seats, but in no case less than two. Signage complying with applicable provisions of 4.30 shall be installed to notify patrons of the availability of a listening system.

219.2 Required Systems. In each assembly area where audible communication is integral to the use of the space, an assistive listening system shall be provided.

Exceptions: Other than in courtrooms, assistive listening systems shall not be required where audio amplification is not provided.

Fixed seating no longer a factor.

Exception is new.


219.3 Receivers. Receivers complying with 706.2 shall be provided for assistive listening systems in each assembly area in accordance with Table 219.3. Twenty-five percent minimum of receivers provided, but no fewer than two, shall be hearing-aid compatible in accordance with 706.3.

Change: Fewer receivers required.

New: 25% must be hearing aid compatible.


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