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Note: This document or portion of document references a state or local code that is stricter than the 2010 ADA Standards requires.

11B-216.12 Amusement rides.

Signs identifying the type of access provided on amusement rides shall be provided at entries to queues and waiting lines. In addition, where accessible unload areas also serve as accessible load areas, signs indicating the location of the accessible load and unload areas shall be provided at entries to queues and waiting lines. Signs shall comply with Section 11B-703.5 and shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section 11B-703.7.2.1.

[2010 ADA Standards] 216.12 Amusement Rides. Signs identifying the type of access provided on amusement rides shall be provided at entries to queues and waiting lines. In addition, where accessible unload areas also serve as accessible load areas, signs indicating the location of the accessible load and unload areas shall be provided at entries to queues and waiting lines.

DOJ icon
Advisory 11B-216.12 Amusement rides. Amusement rides designed primarily for children, amusement rides that are controlled or operated by the rider, and amusement rides without seats, are not required to provide wheelchair spaces, transfer seats, or transfer systems, and need not meet the sign requirements in Section 11B-216.12. The load and unload areas of these rides must, however, be on an accessible route and must provide turning space. 

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included at Section 11B-216.12 are provided for information only. The CBC signage requirements are more definitive regarding sign characteristics.


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