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Evan Terry Associates Announces Corada's Launch

Published: May 11, 2015 at 12:05AM

We are proud to announce the public launch of Corada, the Comprehensive Online Resource for the ADA, powered by Evan Terry Associates.  Corada is usable from your computer and mobile devices that have browsers and an internet connection.  And it doesn’t require you to install any software so your IT people should be happy.

Photo of Jim Terry with Corada logo
Corada is an online database that connects the ADA requirements and official technical assistance materials (over 10,000 clips that are individually tagged) to other relevant information about the ADA. It already includes over 1,200 accessibility-related products, hundreds of videos, expert opinions, design ideas, possible solutions, over a hundred upcoming events, and training opportunities. Corada also hosts “Corada Voices,” an interactive place for users to discuss, share, collaborate and learn about accessibility.  It’s important for you to know that all of the official documents from DOJ, DOT, and the Access Board will be visible to and usable by everyone who visits the site at no charge. Premium and Accessibility Specialists Subscriptions will provide access to even more content - click here to read more about Corada's Features and Subscription Levels!

We invite you to log in, explore the content and provide feedback to make Corada as useful as possible to all of the people who need to know this information to do their parts in making our world more usable by everyone. (Did we mention that we’re following the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines so that all of the content, features, and functionality of corada are accessible to everyone?)

For more information, check out:

  • Watch: “Why Corada?” with a message from Jim Terry of Evan Terry Associates
  • Explore the "Introducing Corada" page with links to other helpful videos and resources

We are adding and revising content and features, tweaking the software, and testing Corada every day.  We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Thank you!

- The Corada Team and Evan Terry Associates