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Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails

Designed Use is the "Managed Use" of a trail that requires the most demanding design, construction, and maintenance parameters. In conjunction with the applicable "Trail Class," designed use determines which design parameters will apply to a trail. It is an FTDS term for the intended use that controls the geometric design of a trail and determines the level to which it should be maintained. There is only one "Designed Use" per trail or trail segment. Although the trail may be actively managed for more than one use, the designed use determines the technical specifications for the trail. For example, pack and saddle stock require higher and wider clearances than do hikers, so a trail managed for both foot travel and horse use would have a designed use of "Pack and Saddle" rather than "Hiker/Pedestrian." More information about trail design parameters for the different designed uses is in Forest Service Trail Design Parameters, available at http://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/trail-management/trail-fundamentals/ or available to Forest Service employees at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/rhwr/ibsc/docs/trails/national_design_parameters_2008-10-16.doc.


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