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UFAS vs. ADAAG Comparison

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UFAS vs. ADAAG Comparison

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Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)

(Requirements: Stricter than ADAAG)

UFAS Section



Elevator req'd to serve each level in all multi-story bldgs. by UFAS but not for certain private entity bldgs. under ADAAG.


Number of req'd wheelchair locations stricter than ADAAG. (See reverse.)


Extensive Accessible Housing section (not included in ADAAG). See UFAS.


Occupancy Classification section (reserved in ADAAG) defines occupancies.


Requirement for accessible route through existing bldg. to get to new addition is not limited by ADAAG's 20% disproportionate limit. Accessible route (ADAAG "path of travel") must be provided unless "Structurally Impracticable."


Requirement for access. toilet & bathing in existing bldg. if none in addition is not limited by ADAAG's 20% disproportionate limit, but must be provided unless "Structurally Impracticable."


Must give consideration to making elements, spaces, common areas access. when not provided in addition.


In Additions, scoping requirements for housing is reserved (deleted in ADAAG).


There are no exceptions to alterations that are "technically infeasible" (added in ADAAG). UFAS allows exceptions for "structurally impracticable." (See definition below.)

4.1.6 & 4.1.2(7)(d)Exc.

No exemption in alterations from req'd access. means of egress &/or areas of refuge/rescue assistance. (Exception added in ADAAG 4.1.3(9).)


Elevator req'd in small altered buildings (deleted in ADAAG).


Except: When altering existing elements or spaces that were previously altered or constructed in compliance with earlier ABA st'ds., no new accessibility alteration are required.


Vacated bldgs. req'd to comply if totally altered (deleted in ADAAG).


Full Standards apply to all alterations that constitute "substantial alteration." The full, broadly defined "path of travel" modifications are req'd. w/o ADAAG's 20% limit, unless "Structurally Impracticable."


All altered entrances must comply, even if not to an area containing a primary function (exempt in ADAAG).


In alterations, scoping req's. for housing is reserved (deleted in ADAAG).


Maximum height for floor coverings of 1/2" includes pile, cushion and backing (ADAAG changed to 1/2" for pile).


Detectable warnings on doors to hazardous areas are req'd. (section reserved in ADAAG).


Standardization of detectable warnings on doors req'd. (section reserved in ADAAG).


Large section on Dwelling Units. (Deleted in ADAAG). See UFAS.


Section on Postal Facilities. (Deleted in ADAAG). See UFAS.

UFAS definition of "Structurally Impracticable"

STRUCTURAL IMPRACTICABILITY. Changes having little likelihood of being accomplished without removing or altering a load-bearing structural member and/or incurring an increased cost of 50 percent or more of the value of the element of the building or facility involved.

NOTE: While this chart is intended to review the requirements of UFAS that are more restrictive than ADAAG, no warranty is made by Evan Terry Associates, P.C. that it is complete. Design professionals are responsible for independent verification of compliance of their projects with the full details of all Codes and Standards applicable to their facilities.


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