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Outdoor Developed Areas: A Summary of Accessibility Standards for Federal Outdoor Developed Areas

Existing Trails [F247.2]

When the original design, function, or purpose of an existing trail is changed, regardless of the reason, and the altered portion of the trail directly connects to a trailhead or another trail that substantially meets the technical requirements for trails, the altered portion of the existing trail must comply with the technical requirements for trails.

The term “reconstruction” is not used in the ABA Standards, though the term is used frequently by the trails community. For the purposes of the ABA Standards, actions are categorized as either new construction or an alteration. Routine or periodic maintenance activities are not considered an alteration that would trigger the application of the ABA standards. The difference between an alteration and maintenance is as follows:

Maintenance icon

  • An alteration is work done to change the original design, purpose, intent, or function of an existing trail.

  • Maintenance is the routine or periodic repair of existing trails or trail segments to restore them to their originally designed and built condition. Maintenance does not change the original design, purpose, intent, or function for which a trail is designed. Maintenance may include:

    • Removing debris and vegetation, such as fallen trees or broken branches on the trail; clearing the trail of encroaching brush or grasses; and removing rock slides

    • Maintaining trail tread, such as filling ruts, reshaping a trail bed, repairing a trail surface or washout, installing riprap to retain cut and fill slopes, and constructing retaining walls or cribbing to support trail tread

    • Performing erosion control and drainage work, such as replacing or installing drainage dips or culverts

    • Repairing or replacing deteriorated, damaged, or vandalized trail or trailhead structures or parts of structures, including sections of bridges, boardwalks, information kiosks, fencing and railings; painting; and removing graffiti


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