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ADA Update - A Primer for State and Local Governments (Title II Primer)

Wheelchairs and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices

Allowing mobility devices into a facility is another type of “reasonable modification” necessary to accommodate people who have disabilities.

People with mobility, circulatory, or respiratory disabilities use a variety of devices for mobility. Some use walkers, canes, crutches, or braces while others use manual or power wheelchairs or electric scooters, all of which are primarily designed for use by people with disabilities. Public entities must allow people with disabilities who use these devices into all areas where the public is allowed to go.

Advances in technology have given rise to new power-driven devices that are not necessarily designed specifically for people with disabilities, but are being used by some people with disabilities for mobility. The term “other power-driven mobility devices” is used in the ADA regulations to refer to any mobility device powered by batteries, fuel, or other engines, whether or not they are designed primarily for use by individuals with mobility disabilities, for the purpose of locomotion. Such devices include Segways®, golf cars, and other devices designed to operate in non-pedestrian areas. Public entities must allow individuals with disabilities who use these devices into all areas where the public is allowed to go, unless the entity can demonstrate that the particular type of device cannot be accommodated because of legitimate safety requirements. Such safety requirements must be based on actual risks, not on speculation or stereotypes about a particular class of devices or how individuals will operate them. 

man with prosthetic legs using a Segway

Public entities must consider these factors in determining whether to permit other power-driven mobility devices on their premises:

  • the type, size, weight, dimensions, and speed of the device;
  • the volume of pedestrian traffic (which may vary at different times of the day, week, month, or year);
  • the facility's design and operational characteristics, such as its square footage, whether it is indoors or outdoors, the placement of stationary equipment, devices, or furniture, and whether it has storage space for the device if requested by the individual;
  • whether legitimate safety standards can be established to permit the safe operation of the device; and
  • whether the use of the device creates a substantial risk of serious harm to the environment or natural or cultural resources or poses a conflict with Federal land management laws and regulations.

Using these assessment factors, a public entity may decide, for example, that it can allow devices like Segways® in a facility, but cannot allow the use of golf cars, because the facility's corridors or aisles are not wide enough to accommodate these vehicles. It is likely that many entities will allow the use of Segways® generally, although some may determine that it is necessary to restrict their use during certain hours or particular days when pedestrian traffic is particularly dense. It is also likely that public entities will prohibit the use of combustion-powered devices from all indoor facilities and perhaps some outdoor facilities. Entities are encouraged to develop written policies specifying which power-driven mobility devices will be permitted and where and when they can be used. These policies should be communicated clearly to the public.

Public entities may not ask individuals using such devices about their disability but may ask for a credible assurance that the device is required because of a disability. If the person presents a valid, State-issued disability parking placard or card or a State-issued proof of disability, that must be accepted as credible assurance on its face. If the person does not have this documentation, but states verbally that the device is being used because of a mobility disability, that also must be accepted as credible assurance, unless the person is observed doing something that contradicts the assurance. For example, if a person is observed running and jumping, that may be evidence that contradicts the person's assertion of a mobility disability. However, the fact that a person with a disability is able to walk for some distance does not necessarily contradict a verbal assurance -- many people with mobility disabilities can walk, but need their mobility device for longer distances or uneven terrain. This is particularly true for people who lack stamina, have poor balance, or use mobility devices because of respiratory, cardiac, or neurological disabilities.

For additional information, see ADA 2010 Revised Requirements: Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (PDF).


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