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ADA Title II Action Guide for State and Local Governments

Required for All Public Entities


The self-evaluation is the key activity to determine what needs to be done to make sure the public entity is in compliance with the ADA and is providing an equal opportunity for people with disabilities to participate. The self-evaluation was required to be completed by January 26, 1993. Because changes were made to the Title II regulations and the ADA Standards for Accessible Design in 2010, an updated self-evaluation is recommended.

To conduct a self-evaluation:

Identify all programs, activities, and services and their locations.

  1. Survey facilities and determine whether there are physical barriers to access programs. If structural changes are needed, include them in the transition plan.

  2. Determine whether employees and officials are familiar with the public entity’s ADA obligations.

  3. Determine whether employees and officials know how to arrange for auxiliary aids and services, such as sign language interpreters, material in Braille and assistive listening systems; to ensure that communication with people with disabilities is as effective as others.

  4. Review service, activity and program’s policies and procedures to determine whether they ensure an equal opportunity for people with disabilities to participate and benefit.

After the self-evaluation, determine what actions are needed to bring the public entity into compliance. The actions may require the public entity to: Add or change policies or procedures; purchase auxiliary aids, such as an assistive listening device; identify places to arrange for auxiliary services, such as sign language interpreters; and provide training for staff on ADA obligations and the public entity’s procedures for responding to requests and resolving complaints.

If structural changes to facilities are needed to ensure program access, such as adding a ramp to an entrance, installing Braille and raised character signage, or altering a toilet room, public entities with 50 or more employees must develop a transition plan (which will be addressed in item below.

Title II Regulations 28 § 35.105


(a) A public entity shall, within one year of the effective date of this part, evaluate its current services, policies, and practices, and the effects thereof, that do not or may not meet the requirements of this part and, to the extent modification of any such services, policies, and practices is required, the public entity shall proceed to make the necessary modifications.

Provide Public Notice About the ADA

All public entities must provide information to the public, program participants, program beneficiaries, applicants and employees about the ADA and how it applies to the public entity. Here are some methods that public entities have used over the last 25 plus years.


  • Include the notice on the public entity’s website (make sure the site is accessible).

  • Post the notice at facilities.

  • Publish the notice in local newspapers.

  • Broadcast the notice in public service announcements on local radio and television stations.

  • Include the notice in program and activity handouts.

  • Post the notice on Facebook.

  • Disseminate the notice through other social media such as Twitter and Pinterest.

The information must be provided in “alternative” formats so that it is accessible to people with hearing and vision disabilities.

Examples of Alternative Formats

  • Open or closed-captioned public service announcements on television

  • Large print  (recommend: san-serif typeface such as Helvetica or Ariel, 18 point font

  • Text file on a thumb disk or emailed to the person

  • HTML format on an accessible website

  • Radio announcements

Public entities must provide the information not just once, but on an ongoing basis. Changes to the notice should be made as necessary, for example when there’s a new ADA Coordinator.

Sample Notices (hyperlink to)

Title II Regulations 28 § 35.106


A public entity shall make available to applicants, participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons information regarding the provisions of this part and its applicability to the services, programs, or activities of the public entity, and make such information available to them in such manner as the head of the entity finds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections against discrimination assured them by the Act and this part.

Information of Accessible Facilities and Programs

Public entities are also required to ensure that interested people, including people with vision or hearing impairments, can obtain information as to the existence and location of accessible services, activities, and facilities. This is an important but frequently overlooked part of the law.


  • County B’s recreation department has four playgrounds. Two were renovated using the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and are accessible to children and adults with disabilities, two are not accessible. County B has information on the website concerning which playgrounds are accessible and which aren’t.  The information is also included in the recreation department’s brochure.

  • State D’s museum has monthly tours that include sign language interpreters for people who are deaf. The museum will also get interpreters for any program with 14 days’ notice. This information is on the museum’s website, posted in the reception area and on the museum’s brochure.

  • A City Managers’ office receives a call from a new resident who uses a wheelchair. The resident would like to know which city facilities are accessible (and which aren’t) and where the accessible entrances are. The City Managers’ administrative assistant can provide that information because the ADA Coordinator created a list of the accessibility features in all facilities. The list is on the city’s website and the ADA Coordinator sent an email to all staff with the link.

Title II Regulations 28 § 35.163

Information and signage:

(a) A public entity shall ensure that interested persons, including persons with impaired vision or hearing, can obtain information as to the existence and location of accessible services, activities, and facilities.


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