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James V. Vitale, AIA, LEED AP, CASp 007

Clear floor space

General Comment or Question

Re: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide / 903 Benches

James V. Vitale, AIA, LEED AP, CASp 007 | November 19, 2015 at 12:11PM (edited)

Please provide a plan indicating locations of clear floor space to the side and front of bench as called for in 903.2. It appears that a minimum 6'-6" rear wall would be required if bench is parallel to a wall? (30" + 48")

This could also be accomplished if a bench with fixed back was placed in front of lockers at the end of a row of benches opposite the accessible lockers.    

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Dennis N. Miles, AIA, CBO, CASp 151

Minimum Rear Wall Required.

General Comment or Question

Re: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide / 903 Benches

Dennis N. Miles, AIA, CBO, CASp 151 | October 26, 2016 at 2:10PM (edited)

It appears that this comment references the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design for minimum bench length (42") but uses the CA - 2013 minimum bench length (48") to develop the minimum rear wall length.

Using the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, the minimum bench length would be 42" and the width of the clear floor space adjacent to the end of the bench would be 30". The minimum length of the wall at the back of the bench would be 42" + 30" = 72" or 6'-0".

Using CA-2013 the minimum bench length would be 48" and the clear floor adjacent to the end of the bench would be 30". The minimum length of the wall at the back of the bench would be 48" + 30" = 78" or 6'-6".


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