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Clarity AL10 Visual Alert System informational Video (02:04)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guiAUVVVdVc

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This is an informational video of the Visual Alert System for the hearing impaired. 

This easy-to-use desktop alerting system uses flashing patterns and/or a powerful vibrating action to alert you to:

• the telephone or TTY ringing
• the clock alarm
• someone at your door
• an audio alarm (optional accessory)
• the baby crying (optional accessory)

The Alertmaster AL10K connects to any power outlet and quickly and easily attaches to a lamp and to a bedshaker. The system's door button and door knock transmitters are
battery operated and mount beside the door.

You can customize the Alertmaster AL10K with optional accessories or a pager receiver.
The pager lets you receive wireless alerts throughout your home.

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