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AccessRec LLC WaterWheels, the Floating Beach Wheelchair - Assembly (02:46)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl00yaRmwao

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WaterWheels is a floating beach wheelchair. Any individual in a wheelchair who wants to use WaterWheels must have a responsible adult with them to use it. The user should be strapped into the chair, and escorted to the water by a companion who must remain with them at all times. This now allows many individuals in wheelchairs to experience all of the joys of an ocean, lake, pond, pool or any water-based area, maybe for the first time ever. Counties, Cities, Towns, National & State Parks, other government and non-profit organizations, as well as any individual willing to increase accessibility to theirwater-based recreational facilities should consider purchasing our floating beach wheelchairs.

AccessRec LLC:

A family business, AccessRec LLC, was founded in March 2013 by Sebastien Ragon and his wife, Kristen Welsh. The development of AccessRec LLC was truly inspired by both Sebastien and Kristen's passion for leisure and recreational activities, as a holistic approach for healthy living. Their mission is to provide safe and effective access to recreational opportunities for individuals of all abilities, with key objectives of assessing the needs of communities, evaluating and improving products, and further developing universal access to outdoor recreation.

From beach wheelchairs to beach access mats, AccessRec LLC offer a range of products to improve safe access to water-based recreation. The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) brought further awareness of the need to provide recreational opportunities to individuals of all abilities. Let us assist you in meeting the challenge of providing better accessibility, with outstanding products at the most affordable price.

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