RERC TechSAge Student Design Competition Seeks Solutions for the Aging Population
Published: February 23, 2018 at 8:02PM
Have an innovative design or technology concept that could improve the lives of older adults aging with disability? Enter the 2018 TechSAge Design Competition!
Deadline for entry: March 25, 2018
The TechSAge Design Competition seeks to inspire talented college students from around the world to develop innovative technology-enabled design solutions for the aging population. The TechSAge Design Competition is organized by the TechSAge Research Engineering Rehabilitation Center (RERC) and sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
This competition is framed within the mission of the RERC TechSAge, as follows:
- To support people with chronic conditions and long-term impairments who are at risk of disability or increased disability due to comorbid age-related losses;
- By empowering these individuals to sustain independence; maintain health; engage safely in basic activities at home and in the community; and fully participate in society;
- Through increasing knowledge about, availability of, and access to effective, universally-designed technologies.
Why a competition? A competition can be an effective way to tap into a rich, diverse and collective design intelligence to address the current needs of our older adults. There is a need to identify excellence in design for aging to educate and encourage communities of interest to solve the problems the aging population face.
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