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Trace Center Information / Transaction Machines (ITMs) Accessibility Guidelines

1.Usability of the product

The following guidelines should be followed and implemented on the product, as is readily achievable

Where it is not possible to meet all of the guidelines below with a single mode of operation, alternate modes should be provided which are as close as possible to the standard mode of operation.


Usable without simultaneous actions

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require simultaneous actions.

Usable with reduced ability to manipulate controls on product

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require user fine motor control.
  • In addition, the product should comply with the following provision:
    • ADAAG section 4.27 Controls and Operating Mechanisms

Usable with reduced ability to reach product

  • The product should comply with the reach provisions given under the following provision from the ADAAG:
    • ADAAG section 4.34 Automated Teller Machines

Usable with reduced strength

  • The product should comply with the following provisions
    • ADAAG section 4.27 Controls and Operating Mechanisms
    • ADAAG section 4.26 Handrails, Grab Bars

Usable from a wheelchair or similar personal vehicle

  • The product should comply with the following provisions
    • ADAAG section 4.2 Space Allowance and Reach Ranges
    • ADAAG section 4.3 Accessible Route
    • ADAAG section 4.5 Ground and Floor Surfaces

Usable with reduced ability to respond quickly to product requests

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require a timed response.
  • Alternatively, a response time may be required if it can be by-passed or adjusted by the user over a wide range (up to 10 times the average time).

Usable without ability to speak

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require user speech.


Usable without ability to hear product

  • Provide all auditory information necessary to use the product through at least one mode in visual form.

Usable with reduced ability to hear product

  • Provide audio or acoustic information, including any auditory feedback tones that are important for the use of the product, through at least one mode in enhanced auditory fashion (i.e., increased amplification, increased signal-to-noise ratio, or combination). For transmitted voice signals, provide a gain adjustable up to a minimum of 20 dB gain. For incremental volume control, provide at least one intermediate step of 12 dB of gain.
  • Where a product delivers audio output through an external speaker, provide an industry standard connector for headphones or personal listening devices (e.g., phone-like handset or earcup) which cuts off the speaker(s) when used.
  • In addition, the product should comply with the following provision
    • ADAAG section 4.31 Telephones

Usable without ability to see product

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require user vision.
  • Provide information which is presented visually through at least one mode in auditory form.

Usable with reduced ability to see product and reduced or no ability to hear product

  • Provide at least one mode that permits operation by users with visual acuity between 20/70 and 20/200, without relying on audio output.
  • If moving text is used, provide at least one mode where static presentation of information is available.

Usable with reduced or no ability to perceive / discern between colors on product

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require user color perception.

Usable without requiring attention to 2 (or more) locations simultaneously (even in access modes)

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require the user to be looking at 2 (or more) locations simultaneously (even where captions are being used).
  • Provide at least one mode that does not require the user to listen to 2 (or more) streams of audio simultaneously (even where verbal descriptions are being used).


Usable without ability to read information displayed on product

  • Provide at least one mode that does not require the user to read.

Usable with limited processing skills

  • Provide at least one mode that minimizes the processing skills required of the user.

Usable with reduced ability to remember product processes

  • Provide at least one mode that minimizes the need to remember or to memorize product processes or information presented.

Usable with limited language skills

  • Provide at least one mode that minimizes the need to understand complex language elements.


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