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Guide to the ADA Standards

Is a compliant passenger loading zone required where valet parking is provided?

An accessible passenger loading zone is required where parking facilities provide valet parking services (§209.4). Also, an accessible passenger loading zone is required where passenger loading zones are provided and specifically designed or designated, such as many hotel entrances, whether or not valet parking service is provided (§209.2.1). If a site provides valet parking service but contains no parking facilities (i.e., vehicles are parked on a different site), then a compliant passenger loading zone is required only where a passenger loading zone is provided. Here are several examples of how these requirements apply:

  • if a parking garage (or other parking facility) provides valet parking service, an accessible passenger loading zone is required whether or not a passenger loading zone is planned;

  • if a restaurant or hotel provides a designed or designated passenger loading zone, an accessible passenger loading zone is required whether or not valet parking service is provided;

  • if a restaurant or hotel provides valet parking service but does not have a parking facility on the same site (i.e., vehicles are parked off site in a public garage or on public streets) and does not have a designed or designated passenger loading zone, then a compliant passenger loading zone is not required. (Note that policies and practices must be in place under the Department of Justice’s ADA regulations so that the valet parking service accommodates people with disabilities).


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