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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) about Corada

FAQ: Why was Corada created?

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Watch: Why Corada?

Evan Terry Associates created Corada for the purpose of helping people to identify, to understand, and to meet their obligations under the ADA and other access requirements and to help all of us be more efficient and effective in our work. Corada was built with the following goals in mind:

  • To accumulate a rich database of all types of useful information related to accessibility into one place

  • To make it as widely available and as affordable as possible for everyone who needs to use it

  • To reduce the time it takes to locate relevant information by meta-tagging everything to maximize the effectiveness of searches and improve its usability

  • To accommodate and integrate all types of media within the same information framework

  • To facilitate useful and detailed conversations about all things access-related and to integrate those conversations into the same information framework to make them easy to find on any topic

  • To significantly elevate the level of competency of novices and experts alike by making more information instantly available including topic-specific and general training, detailed solutions and products to solve both common and difficult access problems

  • To accommodate all users by complying with and exceeding WCAG requirements for web accessibility


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