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Disability Specific Supplies for Emergency Kits


  1. Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility For Your Safety, A Guide For People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitations, June Kailes [2002], contents include:

    • create, review and practice plans

    • gather emergency health information

    • evaluate your need to identify as someone who will need during an evacuation

    • practice the skill of giving quick information on how to best assist you

    • establish personal support networks

    • conduct an ability self-assessment

    • know your emergency evacuation options

  2.  Emergency Health Information June Kailes [2011 Edition 2], in PDF, Microsoft Word. contents include:

    • create your emergency health information (includes forms)

    • storing copies in key places

  3. Emergency Preparedness: Taking Responsibility For Your Safety - Tips for People with Activity Limitations and Disabilities Written by June Kailes for Los Angeles County Emergency Survival Program [2006], in: PDF, Microsoft Word 1 & 2, content includes:

    • Know why preparing is key

    • conduct an ability self-assessment

    • establish a support team

    • create emergency plans

    • collect disability-specific supplies for emergency kits / go kits and check lists

    • make an out-of-state contact list (includes form)

  4. Tips for Emergency Use of Mobile Devices – June Kailes [2015 Cell phones, smart phones and other mobile wireless devices like tablets are a big part of our lives. We rarely leave home without them and we often store important information on them. In a small or large emergency, they can be a communication life line. Provides details regarding preparing your device to quickly get and give emergency information which includes a checklist, emergency contacts and documents, alerts, texting, apps, bookmarks of important mobile sites, “no service” backup plans, skill drills and other resources.

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