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ADAAG Manual

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and is still applicable.

General [9.1.1]

ADAAG applies to all public and common use spaces, such as hallways, corridors, and lobbies. ADAAG requirements include specifications for protruding objects in 4.4 and for signage in 4.30. Wall-mounted objects, such as light fixtures, must be selected and mounted so they do not pose a hazard to people with vision impairments. Objects with leading edges above 27 inches and below 80 inches above the floor cannot project more than 4 inches unless there is a tactile cane detectable cue below the object. Where room numbers are provided, they must be raised and Brailled and located on the wall at the latch-sides of doors for safety and uniformity. (Redundant room numbers and additional information not required to be tactile can be placed on the face of doors).


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