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ADAAG Manual

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and is still applicable.

Height of Tables or Counters [4.32.4]

Counter and table surface heights (28 to 34 inches) should be specified in consideration of the intended use. A height at the lower end of this range is generally preferable for surfaces used for extended periods of time (study carrels, dining counters, kitchen counters in dwelling units) as opposed to those used briefly or intermittently (breakroom counters, hotel room kitchenette counters). While 34 inches is the specified maximum for an accessible counter, the entire counter is not required to be accessible. A height of 36 inches, where necessary to accommodate below counter appliances, may be acceptable in limited use areas such as employee breakrooms, as long as a portion of the counter is accessible. (This is consistent with counters in business and mercantile facilities since customer use is limited to simple activities like writing checks or signing receipts.)


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