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ADAAG Manual

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and all or part of this information may only apply to Safe Harbored elements.

TTY Scoping [4.1.3(17)(c)]

ADAAG requires at least one TTY on site when there are four or more pay phones (and at least one is interior) and in specific buildings or locations when a pay phone is provided. In many cases, only one TTY-equipped pay phone is required on a site. Recommendations: From a practical standpoint, it would be considered good design to place additional units at some multi-facility sites or large buildings. For example, consider that a "site," as defined in ADAAG, can apply to an entire college campus, office complex, or shopping plaza. At sites with many buildings or long distances between phone banks, it is a good idea to provide TTYs at more than one location and, in some cases, at several locations. One should also consider a facility's use. ADAAG recognizes the importance of public access to phones in hospitals, airports, and transit stations but TTYs also may be advisable in other occupancies where public use of phones is equally important.


In general, ADAAG requires a text telephone where four or more pay phones are added or altered. This includes replacement of existing pay phones with units of different types, relocating existing pay phones, or installing new pay phones where none had previously been located. (Lowering existing pay phones for wheelchair access or replacing a non-functioning unit with one of the same type are not considered "alterations" that trigger the requirement for text telephones, although phone replacement may offer cost-effective opportunities to provide such access).

Location and Signage

ADAAG does not specify where text telephones are to be located on a site or in a building (except in hospitals, airports, and transit stations). It is best to locate them along primary circulation routes and in central or prominent phone locations so they are easy to find. Since not all phones or banks are equipped with TTYs, signage is important. Signs are required at all phone banks without TTYs indicating the location of the nearest TTY; (if there are no other banks, directional signage is required at building entrances. Additional signage, such as on building maps, is helpful too. Signs labeling pay phones with TTYs is required as well, in part because integrated TTYs may not be easily identified. An international symbol as specified in 4.30.7 is used on all TTY signs. ADAAG does not specify sign size, or in the case directional signs, verbal content, but requires a light-on-dark or dark-on-light color contrast between the content and the background and a non-glare finish.

International Symbol of TTY


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