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2004 ADA Checklist for Polling Places

Note: This checklist was based on the 1991 ADAAG, but has been updated as of 2016 to reflect the 2010 ADA Standards. See updated version here: https://www.corada.com/documents/2016-ada-checklist-for-polling-places/ada-checklist-for-polling-places

Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and all or part of this information may only apply to Safe Harbored elements.

A5. Are all accessible parking spaces, including the access aisle, relatively level (1:50 or 2%) in all directions? [ADA Stds 4.6.3]
If No: Look for a nearby area that is relatively level which could serve as an accessible parking space with an accessible route to the accessible entrance to voting.

Yes _____ No _____


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