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ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters

K. Eating Areas

An accessible route, at least 36 inches wide and without steps or steep slopes, must be provided to and throughout the food service and eating areas of the shelter. The accessible route allows people who use wheelchairs, scooters, and other mobility devices to get to all of the food and drink items in the shelter and to accessible tables and seating.

a overhead view of an eating area inside a shelter

K1. Is there an accessible route, at least 36 inches wide, that connects each of the shelter activity areas with the food service and eating areas (it may narrow to 32 inches wide for up to 2 feet in length)? [ADA Standards § 4.3.2(3)]



K2. Is there an accessible route that is at least 36 inches wide that connects accessible tables with serving, condiment, and dispenser areas? [ADA Standards § 5.3; 4.3.8]



K3. In each eating area, if tables with fixed seats are provided, do at least 5% of each type of table with fixed seats have accessible locations with knee space at least 27 inches high, at least 19 inches deep, and at least 30 inches wide with a table top 28 to 34 inches above the floor? [ADA Standards § 5.1]



Note: If movable tables and chairs are used as shown, then locate at least 5% of the tables adjacent to an accessible route. Tables can be relocated as needed during operation of the shelter.

K4. If built-in food, drink, condiment, and tableware dispensers are provided, are dispensers and operating controls mounted no higher than 54 inches above the floor if clear floor space is provided for a side approach? [ADA Standards § 5.5]



K5. If the operating controls are set back 10 to 24 inches from the front edge of the counter or table are they no higher than 46 inches above the floor? [ADA Standards § 5.5]



K6. If food service lines are provided, is an accessible route provided (at least 36 inches wide) and are the tray slides no higher than 34 inches above the floor? [ADA Standards § 5.5]




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