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Accessible Fishing Piers and Platforms - A Summary of Accessibility Guidelines for Recreation Facilities

Accessible Fishing Piers and Platforms

"Whenever any barrier stands between you and the full rights and dignity of citizenship, we must work to remove it, in the name of simple decency and justice. The promise of the ADA...has enabled people with disabilities to enjoy much greater access to a wide range of affordable travel, recreational opportunities and life-enriching services."

President George W. Bush, New Freedom Initiative, February 1, 2001

photo of man in wheelchair fishing

The recreation facility guidelines described in this guide focus on newly designed or newly constructed and altered fishing piers and platforms. Other provisions contained in ADAAG address elements commonly found at a fishing facility, such as accessible vehicle parking spaces, exterior accessible routes, and toilet and bathing facilities. ADAAG addresses only the built environment (structures and grounds). The guidelines do not address operational issues. Questions regarding operational issues should be directed to the Department of Justice, 1-800-514-0301 or 1-800-514-0383 (TTY).

These guidelines only apply to facilities specifically designed and constructed for fishing. Structures that were not built specifically for fishing do not need to meet these requirements, even if people use them for fishing (for example, a bridge, flood control dam or breakwater jetty).


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