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14 CFR Part 382 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel (Air Carrier Access Act) (with amendments issued through May 2016)

Click here to see the Preamble and Section-by-section Analysis to 14 CFR Part 382.

(a) As a U.S. carrier, you must meet the training requirements of §382.141 by the following times.

(1) Employees designated as CROs shall receive training concerning the requirements of this part and the duties of a CRO before assuming their duties under §382.151 (see §382.141(a)(7)). You must ensure that all employees performing the CRO function receive annual refresher training concerning their duties and the provisions of this regulation. The one-time training for CROs about the changes to Part 382 must take place by May 13, 2009. For employees who have already received CRO training, this training may be limited to changes from the previous version of Part 382.

(2) The one-time training for existing employees about changes to Part 382 (see §382.141(a)(8)) must take place for each such employee no later than the next scheduled recurrent training taking place after May 13, 2009 or within one year after May 13, 2009, whichever comes first.

(3) For crewmembers subject to training requirements under 14 CFR Part 121 or 135 whose employment in any given position commences after May 13, 2009, before they assume their duties; and

(4) For other personnel whose employment in any given position commences after May 13, 2009, within 60 days after the date on which they assume their duties.


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