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NAICS Code Industry Title Average annualized costs per small firm (7% discount rate) Average estimated per-firm annual receipts Ratio of average annualized per-firm costs/Per-firm receipts (percent)
334210 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing $5,756 $58,969,940 .010
334220 Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing $5,756 $46,860,776 .010
334111 Electronic Computer Manufacturing $5,756 $75,919,848 .008
*Annual receipts based on data from the Small Business Administration, U.S. Small Business Administration, Firm Size Data - Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB), https://www.sba.gov/advocacy/firm-size-data (last accessed Dec. 15, 2014). SUSB employer data is collected and produced by the U.S Census and contains, for each NAICS code such information as the number of firms, employment figures, estimated annual receipts, and annual payroll.
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