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Time savings by people with hearing, cognitive, speech, and manual dexterity or motor impairments from improved federal websites
Improved accessibility of electronic documents on federal websites for persons with addressable disabilities, particularly PDFs and videos
Increased employment of individuals with disabilities
Increased ability of individuals with disabilities to obtain information on federal agency websites and conduct transactions electronically
Greater independence for individuals with disabilities to access information and services on federal agency websites without assistance
More civic engagement by individuals with disabilities due to improved access to information and services on federal agency websites
Increased ability of persons with hearing impairments to have faster and more natural conversation with real-time text than is possible with current text-messaging systems
Increased ability of individuals with disabilities to evaluate, purchase, and make full use of telecommunications products due to increased accessibility of support documentation and services
Increased ability of individuals without disabilities to access information and conduct their business electronically when they face situational limitations (in a noisy place, in a low-bandwidth environment, or in bright sunlight)
Potential cost savings to federal agencies due to reduced levels of in-person visits and mail correspondence
Larger pool of ICT developers and content creators with accessibility knowledge and skills, providing more choice to federal agencies due to use of internationally recognized, industry-driven standards
Potential cost savings to manufacturers of telecommunications and CPE, state and local governments, and non-profit entities, as internationally harmonized standards reduce costs for ICT manufacturers and allow them to sell a single line of accessible products and services across all types of markets
Intrinsic existence value that individuals both with and without disabilities derive from the non-discrimination and equity values served by Sections 508 and 255
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