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Employment First CoP Webinar: “Applying WIOA Pre-ETS for Transitioning Students and Youth”

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EDT, July 11, 2018   |   Organized by: Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)


Date/Time: July 11 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Location: Webinar

Description: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act represents a significant change in how state vocational rehabilitation programs interact with schools and offer services to students and youth preparing to transition from school to adult employment. The implementation of Pre-Employment Transition Services, a way for VR to authorize services while students are in secondary school, is still relatively new. VR agencies and schools throughout the country are continuing to learn how, when, and under what circumstances to effectively apply Pre-ETS within the parameters of WIOA requirements. This webinar will provide information on the current state of Pre-ETS implementation in the country.


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