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36 CFR Part 1190, Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)

R305 Detectable Warning Surfaces (Section-by-Section Analysis)

Detectable warning surfaces consist of truncated domes aligned in a square or radial grid pattern. The dimensions for dome size and dome spacing are the same as in the 2004 ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines. The detectable warning surfaces must contrast visually with adjacent gutter, street or highway, or pedestrian access route surface, either light-on-dark or dark-on-light. The detectable warning surfaces must extend 610 millimeters (2 feet) minimum in the direction of pedestrian travel. At curb ramps and blended transitions, detectable warning surfaces must extend the full width of the ramp run (excluding flared sides), blended transition, or turning space. At pedestrian at-grade rail crossings not located within a street or highway, detectable warning surfaces must extend the full width of the crossing. At boarding platforms for buses and rail vehicles, detectable warning surfaces must extend the full length of the public use areas of the platform. At boarding and alighting areas at sidewalk or street level transit stops for rail vehicles, detectable warning surfaces must extend the full length of the transit stop. The proposed technical requirements specify where detectable warning surfaces must be placed on perpendicular curb ramps, parallel cub ramps, blended transitions, pedestrian refuge islands, pedestrian at-grade rail crossings, boarding platforms for buses and rail vehicles, and boarding and alighting areas at sidewalk or street level transit stops for rail vehicles.


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