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11B-227 Sales and service.

11B-227.1 General.

Where provided, check-out aisles, sales counters, service counters, food service lines, queues, and waiting lines shall comply with Sections 11B-227 and 11B-904.

11B-227.2 Check-out aisles.

Where check-out aisles are provided, check-out aisles complying with Section 11B-904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table 11B-227.2. Where check-out aisles serve different functions, check-out aisles complying with Section 11B-904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table 11B-227.2 for each function. Where check-out aisles are dispersed throughout the building or facility, check-out aisles complying with Section 11B-904.3 shall be dispersed. When check-out aisles are open for customer use, a minimum of one accessible check-out aisle shall always be available. When not all check-out aisles are accessible, accessible check-out aisles shall be identified by a sign complying with Section 11B-904.3.4

Note: Operational procedures are often necessary to ensure the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements are met. When check-out aisles are open for customer use, the business should ensure that a minimum of one accessible check-out aisle is always available for use by persons with disabilities. As check-out aisles are opened and closed based on fluctuating customer levels, the business should ensure that the number of accessible check-out aisles available complies with Table 11B-227.2.

[2010 ADAS] 227.2 Check-Out Aisles.  Where check-out aisles are provided, check-out aisles complying with 904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table 227.2. Where check-out aisles serve different functions, check-out aisles complying with 904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table 227.2 for each function. Where check-out aisles are dispersed throughout the building or facility, check-out aisles complying with 904.3 shall be dispersed.

Exception:  In existing buildings, where the selling space is under 5000 square feet (465 m2) no more than one check-out aisle complying with Section 11B-904.3 shall be required.

[2010 ADAS] EXCEPTION:  Where the selling space is under 5000 square feet (465 m2) no more than one check-out aisle complying with 904.3 shall be required.


Number Of Check-out Aisles Of Each Function Minimum Number Of Check-out Aisles Of Each Function Required To Comply With 11B-904.3
1 to 4 1
5 to 8 2
9 to 15 3
16 and over 3, plus 20 percent of additional aisles

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 Advisory 11B-227.2 Check-out aisles.  Where check-out aisles are provided, accessible check-out aisles are required. This section provides requirements specific to check-out aisle design and construction. In addition to the requirements of this section, operational procedures are often necessary to ensure the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements are met. When check-out aisles are open for customer use, business owners should ensure that a minimum of one accessible check-out aisle is always available for use by persons with disabilities. As check-out aisles are opened and closed based on fluctuating customer levels, business owners should ensure that the number of accessible check-out aisles available complies with Table 11B-227.2. ◼

11B-227.2.1 Altered check-out aisles.

Where check-out aisles are altered, at least one of each check-out aisle serving each function shall comply with Section 11B-904.3 until the number of check-out aisles complies with Section 11B-227.2.

11B-227.3 Counters.

Where provided, at least one of each type of sales counter and service counter shall comply with Section 11B-904.4. Where counters are dispersed throughout the building or facility, counters complying with Section 11B-904.4 also shall be dispersed.  

[2010 ADAS] Advisory 227.3 Counters.  Types of counters that provide different services in the same facility include, but are not limited to, order, pick-up, express, and returns. One continuous counter can be used to provide different types of service. For example, order and pick-up are different services. It would not be acceptable to provide access only to the part of the counter where orders are taken when orders are picked-up at a different location on the same counter. Both the order and pick-up section of the counter must be accessible.

11B-227.4 Food service lines.

Food service lines shall comply with Section 11B-904.5. Where self-service shelves are provided, at least 50 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type provided shall comply with Section 11B-308 _|Reach Ranges|_

11B-227.5 Queues and Waiting Lines.

Queues and waiting lines servicing counters or check-out aisles required to comply with Sections 11B-904.3 or 11B-904.4 shall comply with Section 11B-403 _|Walking Surfaces|_

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included at Section 11B-227 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.  


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